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Can I prevent or remove stretch mark?

Can I prevent or remove stretch mark?

What Are Stretch Marks?

These marks appear in 50 - 90% of all pregnant women, usually showing up in the later half of pregnancy as bright red lines, sometimes even purplish. While the majority will be on the lower abdomen they can also be found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms of women.
They occur because your body is growing faster than your skin can stretch, and so elastic fibers under the surface of your skin break -- causing scarring.

Stretch marks tend to be pinkish in light skinned women, and in dark skinned women they will be lighter than the surrounding skin after pregnancy. They are most likely to appear if you grow rapidly; while you can't control the process of pregnancy, you have some control over weight gain related to nutrition. While not painful, the stretching of the skin may cause a tingling or itchy sensation.

Can You Prevent or Remove Stretch Marks?

A good lotion can help with the increased dryness or itchiness of the skin, but will not prevent stretch marks no matter how diligent you are or how much you spend on the cream.

While many people will swear by certain creams or lotions, the truth is there is not much you can do about stretch marks, you'll either get them or you won't.

There are some factors that you should know contribute to stretch marks:
  • Family (If your mom or sister has them, guess what?)
  • If you had them in a previous pregnancy you may get them again, although usually just a darkened (temporarily) of the old ones and a light extension sometimes.
  • Weight Gain (Rapid or excessive will make this worse.)
  • Nutritional Status (Well hydrated and healthy skin stretches better.)
  • Ethnicity (African American women get them less.)
Get more information www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/stretch-mark.html

Get more about face cosmetic surgery: www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Medspa Clinic

Medspa Aesthetic & Cosmetic Clinic is a skin care and laser clinic in India. We use latest technology in our treatments. We have a team of well skilled dermatologists and laser therapist. The clinic is located in South Delhi which is very near to Hauz Khas Metro station, New Delhi. www.themedspa.us

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